Predicting the future of prediction

  • Liliana Lindberg
Palabras clave: AI, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Languaje Processing, Operational AI


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is, without a doubt, one of the disruptive technologies that will make an impact on the way we live, work and interact with each other now and in the future. This article highlights the current speed of AI development starting with some background on Computer Vision and then describes the latest research in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Many of the traditional machine learning models have gained strength with the advent of Deep Learning and companies are embarking on their AI journeys; some are succeeding and some others are facing challenges when moving from proof-of-concept to production. An overview of the most common challenges for companies in Northern Europe is presented to bring a perspective of what is happening in other parts of the world. In the end, two examples of how face recognition is being applied in similar use cases both in China and Sweden are also described. The cases are used to compare the effects of those implementations as a framework of the importance of regulation in the future. All the topics are discussed at a high level to give a quick outline of how we can position ourselves today to best prepare for a paradigm change that has already started.
